A part of my reason for sending this email was a quick discussion I had with Gavin at the BitCoin conference. I was under the strong impression that double spend notification was something he approved of and was considering implementing himself.

In the case of a double spend, If the receiving end gets a timely notification (few seconds) it isn't that important that any one of the two (or more) transactions is chosen over another. The receiving side can treat a double spend as a failed transaction as it should be proof that the buyer is acting maliciously or has had their private keys compromised.

I am aware Peter Todd has implemented replace by fee and is operating a node on testnet doing this. I think he is rightly pointing out that the current behaviour of dropping all second spends is based largely on the good will of nodes and can absolutly contradict the perceived self interest of those running miners. Accordingly relying on this behaviour can be precarious. It was from reading his emails to this list or bitcointalk that I recognized how essential it was to not transmit the second transaction if double spend notification had any hope of being worth much.

This is controversial because reliable 0-conf transactions are desirable but as you said there really is no way to ensure significant integrity in a decentralized way. Replace by fee would make what transactions get into blocks more predictable and eliminate any expectation of reliable 0 conf transactions. The question is if this consistency is a better choice than a double spend notification that is far from perfect but today its still useful and in practice can probably be trusted as much as credit cards.

A more strict version of replace by fee could be implemented that only replaces transactions with ones that don't reduce any output quantity and accordingly require introducing a new input. This would allow increasing transaction fees on a transaction without hurting someone who trusted a 0 conf transaction. This seems like feature bloat to me but it wouldn't reduce 0 conf integrity.

Unfortunately, I don't see a way to make everyone happy on this issue. Though, I expect everyone would either prefer double spend notification or always replace by higher fee over what we have now.

- Quinn

On 05/20/2013 07:24 PM, Robert Backhaus wrote:
Personally, I agree, but a different decision has been made by the main devs.

The issue is this: consider two transactions in the unconfirmed pool. One transaction has 2BTC input, 1.5BTC to one address (the payment), .4995 to another address (change) and .0005 standard fee. Another transaction appears - Same input, 1BTC to one address, .999 to another, and .001 fee. Which one would a miner include? On pure self interest, the second one, because it has twice the fee. Anyway, the miner has no real way of knowing which transaction was real, and which the fraudulent double-spend. The network does not keep accurate timestamps, so it has no way of really knowing which is first. A bit of artificial DDOS-type overload on the recipient's system, and the real transaction could easily appear last.

So the decision has been made to make 0-conf double spends trivial, so no one will ever trust 0-confs. If a later transaction appears with a larger fee, it will be considered to be the valid one, and the first one dropped, as long as the first one has not been confirmed. This makes undoing a mistaken transaction possible.

So anyone needing 0-conf-like speed will have to make other arangements, such as contracting with enough mining pool power to never drop their transactions unless confirmed multiple times. Secure 0-confs is an impossible target with blockchain cyrpto-currencies as the stand. Any ideas on how to make them work are welcome, of course - as long as we haven't heard them too many times before.

On 21 May 2013 10:45, Quinn Harris <btc...@quinnharris.me <mailto:btc...@quinnharris.me>> wrote:

    The current BitCoin implementation is subject to relatively easy
    spend attack for 0 confirmation payments.  Yet 0 confirmation payments
    are needed for typical in person transactions like most purchases at a
    local business.

    Notably, it is easy to transmit two transactions from the same
    output at
    the same time to different sets of nodes on the network by using two
    instances of bitcoind with same wallet file and a spend on each daemon
    initiated by RPC by some easy to implement code.  If the first attempt
    to pay the merchant doesn't go through because they received the
    transaction it could be quickly followed up with another initiated
    from a different output switching which daemon sends the
    transaction the
    merchant is expecting.  This means an unsophisticated attacker can
    reliably get away with this attack and it would be worth while for
    transactions.  Given this, I would be reluctant to trust 0
    transactions at all though I think many do in practice.  Someone could
    write and publish a special daemon to execute this attack further
    reducing the cost.

    Right now a node will drop any second spend of the same output in the
    memory pool.  After the first transaction has propagated through the
    network issuing a second double spend transaction isn't likely to be
    seen by a significant number of miners as most nodes especially non
    miner nodes will drop this transaction.  Today, it is necessary to
    transmit both transactions on the network nearly simultaneously to
    reliably get away with this simple attack.  If in this case, the
    receiving end is quickly notified of the double spend this attack
    becomes more more difficult to get away with.

    If the second transaction is relayed instead of being dropped to
    the receiving party of the double spend, most miners will receive both
    transactions and it is possible that some or even many of the miners
    would replace the first transaction with the second if it has a higher
    fee as it would be in their short term interest. This can happen some
    time after the first transaction has propagated through the network so
    the receiving end wouldn't get a timely notification of the double
    spend.  Depending on the choices of the miners, this approach to
    spend notification could exacerbate the very problem it was attempting
    to fix compared to the current implementation.  While miners might
    continue to drop the second spends, the easy availability of the
    spends would increase the short term reward for changing this policy.

    This problem can be fixed if instead of sending the second
    transaction a
    new double spend message is sent with proof of the double spend
    but not
    the complete transactions.  This would allow the receiving end to be
    quickly notified of a double spend while in no way increase the chance
    over the current implementation that a double spend would be

    The proof of the double spend would include the scriptSig (input) from
    the original transactions and the hashes from the "simplified"
    transaction used by OP_CHECKSIG of the scriptPubKey (output) but
    not the
    entire transaction.  This is the hash computed by the SignatureHash
    function in script.cpp.   The double spend notification message should
    contain proofs of both signed transaction spending the same output
    ordered by hash to produce a canonical proof for a specific two
    transactions.  To reduce DOS potential, the proof should not be
    unless one of the original transactions has been received to ensure
    there is some commitment to the block chain and different double spend
    proofs of the same output should not be relayed.  The forwarding of
    transactions should remain exactly the same as it is now where the
    second transaction is dropped but a double spend message is
    if appropriate.

    The existing block chain needs to be checked to make sure the proof of
    double spend couldn't have been derived from the block chain and a
    single spend in the memory pool.  This could happen if there was
    an identical transaction in the block chain.  This would typically
    happen if someone was paying someone else the same amount they had
    before and neither side changed addresses.  In this case double spend
    detection wouldn't be reliable as it could be generated by anyone, but
    both the sending and receiving client could detect this situation and
    warn the user.

    It would still be possible for an attacker to send the second
    transaction directly to powerful miners but this is a distinctly less
    viable attack than the current double spend attack.

    I would expect this double spend notification implementation to make
    double spends more costly than they are worth for most cases today
    0 confirmation acceptance is needed.  That said over time this
    might become less effective.  As the reward for each block mined
    decreases, transactions fees will become a more significant part
    of the
    mining reward accordingly increasing the incentive to replace
    transactions with higher fees.  Today most BitCoin participants have a
    high expectation of significant future appreciation of BitCoins and
    recognize anything that brings into question the integrity of the
    is likely to reduce that future value so they have a long term self
    interest to keep up the impression of integrity.  As BitCoin becomes
    more establish this incentive will decrease.

    On the other hand, non mining nodes have no incentive to replace by
    fee.  The continued increased capital costs of mining would likely
    increase the proportion of non mining nodes typically run by those
    an incentive to assure integrity of the network such as merchants.
    increasing transaction volume is likely to increase node costs which
    would push out non mining nodes with lower incentive more than mining
    nodes.  Accordingly increasing block size would have a tendency to
    reduce the effectiveness of double spend notification.  The primary
    point is there are multiple counteracting forces that make predicting
    the future effectiveness of double spend notification uncertain.

    I don't believe this necessary warrants conceding that we can not
    provide any protection from non trusted 0 confirmations
    transaction as a
    replace by fee implementation would do.  But it would still be
    to work towards more robust solutions notably various forms of 3rd
    trust.  This could be tamper resistant devices trusted to not
    spends, 3rd party certificates with proof the transaction was spent by
    the holder of the certificate or multi signature transactions on the
    block chain that must be signed by a trusted 3rd party to spend.  I
    would expect it would take significantly longer for the companies and
    technologies to be built to implement this on a wide scale than adding
    double spend proof messages to the current implementation.  In
    there will likely always be some use cases where a 3rd party
    (centralization) is not viable.

    Should a BIP and pull request implementing a double spend notification
    as described be accepted?

    - Quinn

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