Over the last days I spent some time working on a simple Bitcoin network 
It is a stochastic event-based continuous-time simulation of Bitcoin miners
exchanging messages and building block chains. It simulates latency, bandwidth 
and also verification speed but it currently does not simulate 
of transactions and instead uses random block sizes.

The simulator includes two examples, one for a 51% attack and the other is an
implementation of selfish mining (pretty much 1:1 as described in the paper).
With the random parameters I picked it seems like it pays off to mine selfish 
>=30% of the hashing power - but take this with a huge grain of salt as this
is with a very small network and randomly chosen parameters. And of course it
is not a perfect replica of the real world network.

Since this is based on my understanding of the Bitcoin network and protocol it
would be great if others would take a look and help improve it.

The project can be found on my github:

 Rafael Brune
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