On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 1:02 PM, Tier Nolan <tier.no...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> This looks reasonable from a brief skim over, but does not define any use
>> cases (it mentions "necessary for atomic cross chain transfers", but does
>> not
>> explain how it is useful for that - perhaps that belongs in another BIP
>> you
>> haven't written yet, though).
> One use case should be enough.  The atomic cross chain proposal has been
> discussed for a while.  It feels like bitcoin works on an "ask permission
> first" basis.

You're reading that response the wrong way. It isn't in any way
opposed to the specification, it's pointing out that the specification
is _unclear_ about the applications, it mentions one but doesn't
explain it and it wouldn't be apparent to all readers. Thats all.

It could be clarified by saying something like "allows spending to be
controlled by the publication of information, for example in another
transaction so that they can only be completed atomically [citation to
a revision of the contracts page]".

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