On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 9:57 PM, Jameson Lopp <jameson.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I agree that it would be awesome to offer these types of stats with the 
> installer; unfortunately the route I've taken has dependencies on several 
> other other pieces of software to do all the heavy lifting of stats 
> aggregation and chart rendering. I'm assuming that you would not want to 
> build any of that processing into Bitcoin Core itself; would you be opposed 
> to packaging other software along with the installer?

Depends on just how much stuff it is. The idea is primarily to have an
installer for running a (wallet-less) node as an OS background

Having some statistics available would be worth some extra download
size, otherwise it would be pretty much invisible.

We'd already decided that we would need something like Python for the
stats service. Implementing things like web services in C++ is just
not realistic given the time constraints and the great already-written
code that is out there. As an optional tool it should be external, not
part of bitcoind itself.

I suppose the chart rendering happens client-side? In that case the
web service just has to collect and provide the data, and serve static
html/js files.


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