There can be multiple independent transport networks for Bitcoin.

There already is: ipv4, ipv6, Tor, and native_i2p (out of tree patch).

As long as multihomed hosts that act as bridges then information will propagate 
across all of them.
Justus Ranvier
sent with R2Mail2

----- Original Message -----
From: Matt Whitlock <>
Sent: 2014/06/16 - 13:10
To: Mike Hearn <>, Justus Ranvier <>
Subject: Re: [Bitcoin-development] Incentivizing the running of full nodes

> On Monday, 16 June 2014, at 7:59 pm, Mike Hearn wrote:
>> >
>> > This is a cool idea, but doesn't it generate some perverse incentives? If
>> > I'm running a full node and I want to pay CheapAir for some plane tickets,
>> > I'll want to pay in the greatest number of individual transactions possible
>> Peers can calculate rewards based on number of inputs or total kb used:
>> you're paying for kilobytes with either coin age or fees no matter what. So
>> I think in practice it's not a big deal.
> So effectively, if you pay for your bandwidth/storage usage via fees, then 
> the reward system is constrained by proof of burn, and if you pay for your 
> usage via coin age, then the reward system is constrained by proof of stake.
> Now another concern: won't this proposal increase the likelihood of a network 
> split? The free-market capitalist nodes will want to charge their peers and 
> will kick and ban peers that don't pay up (and will pay their peers to avoid 
> being kicked and banned themselves), whereas the socialist nodes will want 
> all of their peers to feed them transactions out of the goodness of their 
> hearts and will thus necessarily be relegated to connecting only to other 
> altrustic peers. Thus, the network will comprise two incompatible ideological 
> camps, whose nodes won't interconnect.

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