On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 3:59 PM, Gavin Andresen wrote:
> What do other people think?  Would starting at a max of 8 or 4 get
> consensus?  Scaling up a little less than Nielsen's Law of Internet
> Bandwidth predicts for the next 20 years?  (I think predictability is
> REALLY important).
> I chose 20 because all of my testing shows it to be safe, and all of my
> back-of-the-envelope calculations indicate the costs are reasonable.
> If consensus is "8 because more than order-of-magnitude increases are
> scary" -- ok.

It would feel better for me if you would keep the power of two:

2^0 = 1MB
2^1 = 2MB
2^2 = 4MB
2^3 = 8MB

But that's only personal. Maybe other people feeling the same.

- oliver

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