I'm trying to parse the blockchain to build a ledger of the current state. 
But I ran into troubles with a few transaction types, any help would be 
greatly appreciated!

"replace-by-fee": How can extract the public key or from address for the 
inputs? When I get the script sig from the transaction input and call 
.getFromAddress() it throws an error because their is 1 data chunk and not 

Time Locking: Has me super confused their seems to be a bunch of different 
types. Some lock the whole transaction from being spent until X block or 
time. Some lock specific outputs. Some can't be added to the blockchain 
until valid (so I can ignore these since they are valid if seen).
Does anyone know of a good write up for how to parse and handle them using 

For a quality answer that helps me decode Time Locking I'd be happy to send 
0.001 BTC!

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