We have always placed more emphasis to ‘eating hair sheep’ than to other market uses.

So we attributed the poor hair sheep prices and its demand here to the following.
A very true fact--they do not eat lamb here nor have ever tasted it!
Last five years this common statement here is as frequent as "calling hair sheep goats."
We are not giving anymore away for free to try/eat.

We have no knowledge of herd dog-trainers or traveling petting zoos operating around us.

I have lived all over this nation so I realize lamb-loving people like myself moved and retired to Florida and down the road to Austin. The Waco area is too economically impoverished, and does not experience an influx as CA, FL and Austin and Houston--where I have lived. I approched locally to place lamb with two small-town supermarket chains; namely, David’s and Brookshire.

Those who actually had hair sheep at one time in the vicinity around us, it seemed to have been a novelty as the passing emu fad. I have met countless that rather have ALL goats. Over many months since last summer, around the Waco and Hillsboro areas, I found many offerings in ads selling off their entire flocks--hair barbado, horned, and dorper crossed with the blackbellys—ridding them just to have and raise ONLY goats. So, God willing, we hope this causes scarcity and rising prices for our dorper/bb cross. For now, I go to Houston having found a few who desire and enjoy my hair sheep on their dinner table. I am aware of the distant Hamilton and Goldthwaite TX hair-sheep markets, but rather go to Houston.


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