Nate's system works well for me, too. At weaning, I put the ram lambs 
in the ram pen with the adult rams. Usually they just sniff the 
lambs; rarely do they knock them around. When possible, I leave the 
ewe lambs with their mother to wean naturally. In the case of a 
ewe/ram set of twins, removing the ram lamb allows the mom to retain 
condition by not having to feed two lambs. Unless a mom has lost a 
lot of condition, I don't see a reason to force wean her ewe lamb. I 
try to reduce stress whenever possible.

For many years, I moved the ewe and ram lambs into a weaning pen for 
a month, but I learned the hard way that those little buggers are 
fertile at 4 months of age.


At 08:22 PM 1/31/2008, Nate wrote:
>I always put my young rams and bucks in with the older bucks ( not 
>at breeding time ) and let the older ones knock them around and 
>teach them how to fall in line.

Carol Elkins
Critterhaven--Registered Barbados Blackbelly Hair Sheep
(no shear, no dock, no fuss)
Pueblo, Colorado
T-shirts, mugs, caps, and more at the
Barbados Blackbelly Online Store

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