As most of you know, I'm pretty passionate about stopping the National Animal Identification Program. I apologize for intruding if you don't share that passion. There is a teleconference tomorrow (Wednesday night) that you might be interested in attending. I think the small attendance fee ($15) will be used to pay for the toll-free call and perhaps help with the lawsuit that is being filed against the USDA to stop NAIS. Sorry for the last-minute notice. I just learned about it today. -- Carol


Join the STOP NAIS Teleseminar on Wednesday

Below is an information alert forwarded from the Farm-to-Consumer Foundation


Click here for the flyer in color - <>

The USDA and state departments of agriculture have been aggressively implementing the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) across the country. NAIS is an industry-government plan to register farms and tag and track every livestock animal in the country. The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund has filed a Notice of Intent to Sue the USDA and the Michigan Department of Agriculture, demanding that the agencies stop the program. Come learn more about this issue! Attend our NAIS teleseminar on Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at 8 pm EST.

The teleseminar will feature: John Carter, past-president of the Australian Beef Association; Judith McGeary, Executive Director of the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance; Gary Cox, General Counsel for the Legal Defense Fund, and other legal experts. These speakers will address issues such as the real history of NAIS, who's making money on it, how it has worked (or not worked) in Australia, recent legislative developments, and what the notice of intent to sue really means.

WHEN: Wednesday, May 28, 2008, at 8:00 - 9:30 pm EDT

WHAT: Teleseminar about NAIS, including a Q&A session

COST: $15 per phone line (we accept VISA, MC and Discover)

HOW:  Register at
or call 703-208-FARM (3276) Monday- Friday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.) The office is closed on Monday, May 26, 2008 for Memorial Day.

Immediately after registering, you'll receive an email with the toll-free number and password you'll need. Feel free to put the call on speaker phone, and invite others to listen in with you. We have a limited number of spaces available, so please do not share the number and password with others.


JOHN CARTER is a fifth-generation Australian cattleman. In his lifetime of cattle ranching, Mr. Carter has traveled extensively, studying cattle breeding and pasturing across the world. He has won numerous awards for his cattle, and served as an officer for organizations including the Cattlemen's Union, the Australian Meat and Livestock Policy Council, and the NSW Meat Industry Authority. Mr. Carter is a strong voice for independent producers, working as an activist over the last 30 years to successfully change the Australian government's policies and institute positive industry measures. As past president of the Australian Beef Association, he has been an internationally known figure in the debates over electronic identification and tracking. He continues to run his family's Lake Edward ranch, with the participation of one of his three children as well as his grandchildren, and win awards for the quality of his cattle.

JUDITH MCGEARY is an attorney, a farmer, and the Executive Director of the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance. The Alliance was founded to protect the rights of independent farmers, ranchers, and homesteaders, and to help ensure the success of independent agriculture. Ms. McGeary has a B.S. in Biology from Stanford University, a J.D. with high honors from The University of Texas at Austin, and is working on a Masters degree in natural resource management, based on work with compost tea. In her legal career, she has practiced administrative law, litigation, and appeals. She and her husband run a small farm with heritage breed poultry, sheep, cows, and horses.

GARY COX is General Counsel for the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund. He practices environmental and agricultural law with the law firm of Lane, Alton and Horst LLC. Mr. Cox served in the Environmental Enforcement Section of the Ohio Attorney General's office for 14 years and prosecuted such Fortune 500 firms as General Motors, BP Chemical, Philips Electronics, Sun Oil Company and AK Steel. Since entering private practice, Mr. Cox's clients have included organic farmers and raw milk producers. He represented Carol Schmitmeyer in her raw milk victory over the Ohio Department of Agriculture and is currently General Counsel to the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund. Mr. Cox lives in Columbus, Ohio with his teenage son and daughter, is an avid gardener, a former organic vegetable farmer, a supporter of local farmers and consumes raw milk and yogurt daily. This is a great opportunity to learn more about NAIS. John Carter is an eloquent speaker on the problems with NLIS in Australia (their version of NAIS for cattle), and Gary Cox is an excellent attorney at the forefront of the fight to protect independent agriculture. Come join us for this event, and bring your questions!


Judith McGeary
Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance

Carol Elkins
Critterhaven--Registered Barbados Blackbelly Hair Sheep
(no shear, no dock, no fuss)
Pueblo, Colorado
T-shirts, mugs, caps, and more at the
Barbados Blackbelly Online Store

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