I have nearly lost 2 over 12 years due to worms causing other disesase. I have found that worming 3 times one week apart every 6 months or so works for me. Right now we are in a drought and anything that is creating a demand on their system is just too much... I alternate with safeguard (panacur) and ivermectin in the feed. I put out just enough feed mixed with the wormer that I know that they will get it eaten within a few minutes. If there appears to be anyone that still has worms, I use oral ivomec. If you look at livestock concept's site, you will find hog wormer for mising in the feed. I use this. I use the recommended rate per animal, but once a week for 3 weeks. It has worked great, and I do not have to catch each one and drench it...

Cecil in OKla
----- Original Message ----- From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 7:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Blackbelly] Worming Blackbelly Digest, Vol 7, Issue 53

Jerry, I am in Central Florida. A few years back I was losing my lambs to
worms. My vet recommended Safe-guard (fenbendazole) dewormer for goats. 2 cc
once a week for three weeks for those showing signs of worms (bottle jaw).
On  the fourth week I had them tested and all was find. I give my lambs up
to one  year old 2 cc every other month. I have not lost any since. I
questioned my vet about the fact this was labeled for goats? He said if we only
gave sheep  medicine that was labeled "sheep" we would not have any sheep
left in the world. But I think Stephanie Parrish's worming method is better,
expensive but better.  I believe she uses Shaklee Basic-H.  Joan Eubank
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