
You are going to have to bottle feed her.  You certainly aren't going to just 
let her die!  Bring her into the barn and bottle feed her.  

Nancy Johnson

On Dec 17, 2012, at 6:32 PM, Jerry Kirby wrote:

> We just had our first lambing of the season.  It was twin ewes born to one of 
> our oldest ewes, probably last night.  They are all pasture sheep and are 
> currently on winter rye grass.  One of the lambs is behaving typically, the 
> other does not recognize her momma and we could not get her to suckle when we 
> put her on a teat.  I gave her 2 oz of colostrum supplement about an hour and 
> a half ago and put her back into a pen with her momma and sibling. Still no 
> recognition by the lamb, even though momma paid much attention to her.  We 
> are in South Mississippi with weather in the 50s to 70s.  I currently plan on 
> giving her more supplement every several hours, but I do not have much hope 
> for her survival.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance,
> Jerry
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