Good to know. Thanks.

Best Wishes,
Mountain Ridge Ranch and
KayaKyi Kennels
American Blackbelly Sheep
Tibetan Mastiffs
AKC Breeder of Merit

-----Original Message-----
From: Carol Elkins <>
To: blackbelly_consortium <>; blackbelly <>
Sent: Sun, Jun 29, 2014 1:49 pm
Subject: [Blackbelly] Results of my old sheep experiment

I decided to butcher my old ewe Troublesome as soon as she weaned the
one triplet that she was able to nurse. After two years of bottle
lambs, her half udder was no longer something I was willing to deal
with. Troublesome was 11 years old. As an experiment, I decided to
have all of her meat turned into ground mutton. I figured worse case,
if it tasted bad, I could give it to the dogs.

Troublesome weighed about 100 lb. (I didn't get a live weight on her
because with her udder I couldn't get her into the weighing sling.) I
got 25 lb of ground mutton off her carcass, which is 25% yield. One
can expect a 50% yield when bones are left in the cuts, and I wasn't
sure what to expect with all ground. The butcher told me that
although she was very lean (as all BB sheep are), there was enough
fat on her so that he didn't need to add any pork or beef fat to make
a good ground meat.

Her meat is just marvelous. I would never know that I was eating
11-year-old mutton. Being ground eliminated any possibility of toughness.

So now I know that I can slaughter for table any BB sheep, regardless
of age. Thought this information might be useful to the rest of you.


Carol Elkins
Critterhaven--Registered Barbados Blackbelly Hair Sheep
(no shear, no dock, no fuss)
Pueblo, Colorado

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