> File modified:
> /etc/X11/prefdm
> /etc/X11/xinit/Xclients
> /etc/sysconfig/desktop

It is usually considered better to create or modify ther user's own
configuration files than system-wide configs.

Even if you are the only user, you system configs could get (or need to
be) changed during upgrades. Also, if you just use user-only configs, you
could probably switch to an entirely different operating system
distribution (or flavour) and it will still work the same.

I do agree with the need to set the system-wide config for xdm (or gdm,
etc.) since the original poster wanted to turn on the computer and be at
the gui.

User configs included .xinitrc (for startx or xinit or X) or .xsession (if
using xdm).

> This script simply looks for two things in the user's ~/.blackbox
> directory.  The first is a file/symlink called background.jpg.  If
> found, it sets the desktop background accordingly.  The second is a file
> called bb-start.  If found, this file is sourced.  This provides a
> convenient means of allowing end user's to customize blackbox to their
> needs.
> I also modify the default Blackbox menu to include ~/.blackbox/menu
> under a "Personal" submenu with an Edit menu option that uses a shell
> environment variable to determine which editor to launch.  I then place
> an empty menu file in /etc/skel/.blackbox/menu so that all new users
> have the file and ~/.blackbox directory.

Good ideas.

  Jeremy C. Reed

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