On Mon, Dec17,01 13:10, Scott Moynes wrote:
> * Derek Cunningham ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > What features does this have over bbkeys that makes you want to use it?
> Well, as someone pointed out to me, it uses 300k less RAM to do
> basically the same thing. The reason I wrote it was because I didn't
> need a lot of what bbkeys offered, and found it took up too much
> memory, and seemed to leak on top of it. (Not knocking vanRijn and x0r
> here. The source is fairly complicated and tracking down all memory
> would be difficult.) I also wanted to add some new features like
> chained keygrabbing but couldn't wrangle bbkeys' source. Those were
> the major reasons why I wrote it. Some other more aesthetic reasons I
> use it is that I like epist's config file better, source my puny mind
> could understand, and the chance to learn something about Xlib and
> STL. It also caches requests for atoms which saves a little bit of
> memory and performance for people who only use a small subset of the
> available atoms.
> In the future, I plan to add chained keygrabbing, and better config file
> reading and parsing.

*drool* as you know (from prev discussions) I want chained grabbing...
emacs-style! :) I've got 512M of ram... so memory usage just doesn't concern
me... and I'm more than happy to run multiple keygrabbers. :)

> There are things it does not do. Mainly window and workspace
> cycling. 

hmm... that's truely unfortunate as ALT+[1-9] are keys I _cannot_ live
without... but I'll be sure ot check it out soon, to at least see what
you've done. :)

> I can't see that being added to epistrophy untill blackbox
> supports the WM spec. I find it silly that every bbtool that cares has
> to keep its own list of windows and workspaces, and when epist can
> request these lists, or send _BLACKBOX_CYCLE_WINDOW, then I will add
> that.


> As I said before, it simply fits my needs better. I figured it would
> be more productive to let it out into the world rather than sit on it,
> but now I think that was a mistake.

umm... why was this a mistake? Don't let my criticism stand in the way of
this release... it's great that you put it up, and I do intend to test it...
I was just curious as to what made your itch happen, that's all. I think in
alot of respects (chained keygrabs) we both want the same out of our
keygrabber (although, ever since I found out there 4 mods, and I can muck up
my keytables with xmodmap, I'm happy without chains... however I'd still
prefer to have them), so this is a great idea, IMO!

> > 
> > DC
> > 
> > PS: a webpage would be nice outlining this stuff. :)
> This was not a full release; more of a technology preview. After exams
> and Christmas I may make a project website, but don't count on it. I
> will probably just take the source and keep it in my local CVS
> archive, and let any intrested members bug me for it.

sounds good. :)


Derek Cunningham

"All men by nature desire to know." -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

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