Circa 2002-Jan-23 22:18:12 -0800 dixit Sean 'Shaleh' Perry:

: > Not bbkeys, I think. There'd have to be some way to tel blackbox to
: > ignore the window and not pass focus to it. Bbkeys is trying to get the
: > focus on whatever you chose in the menu. As long as bbkeys is separate
: > from blackbox, i can't see this going away, without some kludgy extra
: > code in blackbox, which i also can't see happening. Sorry.
: > 
: It being late and my being cold maybe I am pulling things out of the clouds
: but it seems that there should be a way for a window to say 'I do not get
: focus, ever, thanks'.

From the XSetWMHints() man page (talking about the 'input' member of
the XWMHints structure, selected using the InputHint mask):

       The input member is used to communicate to the window man­
       ager the input focus model used by the application.
       Applications that expect input but never explicitly set
       focus to any of their subwindows (that is, use the push
       model of focus management), such as X Version 10 style
       applications that use real-estate driven focus, should set
       this member to True.  Similarly, applications that set
       input focus to their subwindows only when it is given to
       their top-level window by a window manager should also set
       this member to True.  Applications that manage their own
       input focus by explicitly setting focus to one of their
       subwindows whenever they want keyboard input (that is, use
       the pull model of focus management) should set this member
       to False.  Applications that never expect any keyboard
       input also should set this member to False.

       Pull model window managers should make it possible for
       push model applications to get input by setting input
       focus to the top-level windows of applications whose input
       member is True.  Push model window managers should make
       sure that pull model applications do not break them by
       resetting input focus to PointerRoot when it is appropri­
       ate (for example, whenever an application whose input mem­
       ber is False sets input focus to one of its subwindows).

That may be the answer you're looking for; then again, it may not.  I
don't know enough about the internal structure of either Blackbox or

jim knoble | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
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