On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 10:22:37PM +0100, Maarten wrote:
> Hello, 
> Long time listener, first time caller here.
> I was wondering : I use BBpager a lot, but I find that I absolutely hate
> my middle-mouse-button for pushing, since it's a scroll-button.
> Is it possible to assign one of the other two mousebuttons to BBPager,
> using a configuration option either during compile time or (preferebly)
> using a .bbpagerrc ?
> It would make it _so_ much easier to click :-) .

I changed the configuration of bbpager to use different mouse buttons by
editing the contents of ~/.bbtools/bbpager.bb

The relevant lines are:

bbpager.desktopChangeButton:    1
bbpager.windowMoveButton:       2
bbpager.windowFocusButton:      3
bbpager.windowRaiseButton:      3

Hope that helps,

| James Robinson                                                       |
| Graphics + IP research group, Staffordshire University               |
| http://research.soc.staffs.ac.uk/~james                              |
| "A PC without Windows is like a chocolate cake without mustard."     |

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