On Mon, Jun 03, 2002 at 07:52:12AM -0500, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
> Anyone able to use Meta_R or Meta_L keys as modifiers in keybindings? 
> I've mapped both logo keys on my keyboard appropriately via xmodmap and
> xev sees the bindings.  However, bbconf doesn't appear to notice them.

Bbkeys sees Alt as Alt and the Windows keys as Meta without any special
effort on my part.  Shaleh points out that Debian sets this up by default,
but I have:

        Option          "LeftAlt"       "Meta"
        Option          "RightAlt"      "Meta"

in my XF86Config-4 and it's not doing it. :)

I've changed all instances of Mod1Mask in Window.cc to Mod4Mask... I know
it works.

Marc Wilson

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