> I didn't know about openbox. In the office I have stock RH 7.2, which
> doesn't have gnome 2 has it? I'll try it at home, though.

openbox is a fork of blackbox 0.62.1.  They basically did a lot of the same
work as the 0.65 series (STL, cleanups) as well as new stuff -- netwm, wheel
mouse, etc.  The person working on it also hacks on blackbox with Brad and I so
openbox ends up being a test bed for ideas that slowly percolate into blackbox

If you find a patch I have/will not include there is a good chance it is in

So basically if you want a specific feature not in blackbox and going over to
fluxbox scares you then openbox may be then solution until blackbox acquires
your feature.  Currently netwm is a strong reason to try out openbox for some

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