Es Bee Ex wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Jul 2002 18:13:04 -0400
> Scott Furt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Derek Cunningham wrote:
>>>On Thu, Jul11,02 16:39, Gerrit Hoetzel wrote:
>>>>>What I WOULD like to see is an emacs-like ability to string characters
>>>>>together. ie: CTRL+Z+R will perform some action, and CTRL+Z+T will perform
>>>>>some other action. Think that's doable?
>>>>Or maybe distinguish sth. like vi's command and insert mode.
>>>>"Insert" mode would give the focused window control over the keyboard,
>>>>"Command" mode would give control to the key grabber; and special
>>>>(vi-like) commands could be issued: 
>>>And of course, for all flexibility, if we had this "Insert"/"Command" mode,
>>>AS WELL AS the emacs-style key combining, then we'd be absolutely set.
>>I'd love to see emacs-style key chaining.  the vi-like
>>insert/command modal stuff is why i don't use vi anymore,
>>i couldn't stand having to keep switching modes to do
> It would be less painful if, instead of having to switch between modes
> like vi, you could use a single key combo to enter COMMAND mode, and as
> soon as you do something in COMMAND mode, it returns automatically to
> INSERT mode.

IIRC, CTL+O in vi will let the user enter one command,
then revert back to insert mode.

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