<forward of their response>

Your report has been assigned an internal review ID of: 159577

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Bug Reports.  If the information is determined to be a new bug,
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dateCreated: Thu Jul 18 11:31:03 MDT 2002
type: bug
cust_name: Sean Perry
cust_email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
jdcid: shaleh
status: Waiting
category: java
subcategory: classes_swing
company: other
release: hopper-beta
hardware: x86
OSversion: Linux
priority: 4
synopsis: windows appear with incorrect size
$ /opt/java/j2re1.4.0_01/bin/java -version
java version "1.4.0_01"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0_01-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0_01-b03, mixed mode)
$ /opt/java/jre1.3.1_04/bin/java -version
java version "1.3.1_04"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.1_04-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.1_04-b02, mixed mode)


ADDITIONAL OPERATING SYSTEMS : this bug is a generic X
Window bug and should occur equally anywhere there is a X
Window System.  It has only been tested under Linux (most

The version of glibc and kernel has been different for all


I maintain the blackbox window manager found at
http://blackboxwm.sourceforge.net.  My users are reporting
an odd behavior when using swing applications.  I have had
users from Red Hat, Mandrake, Debian and SuSE report this to
me so it appears to be a matter of the jre and blackbox.

What happens is windows but predominantly dialog boxes open
at very odd sizes.  Sometimes they are very small, say 1x1.
 Other times they appear to be twice the size they should
be.  By adding debug prints in the blackbox code I can see
that the values I am using are exactly what the application
requested via ConfigureRequest and WM_NORMAL_HINTS.

Of course this only appears to happen under blackbox or you
would have a lot more upset users on your hands.  I do not
rule out a bug on my end however as stated above I am also
complying with the exact request of the application.

Run blackbox window manager.  Do the following with the test
app from below:

cd location/of/demo/
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    java DemoApp &

Around the 5 - 7th instance you should get a really big window.

In other words, run many instances of the application close
together.  The bug seems to be related to delays in event
handling in the swing library.  But that is a wild guess.  I
can say that the faster the window loads the less likely the
bug is to occur.

Expected is a window the size the user requested, here is
the actual output from my debug messages:

0x1400021: initial (50, 100) w: 390, h: 120
0x1400021: after hints (50, 100) w: 390, h: 120
0x1400021: sizes reflect the frame from now on
0x1400021: after upsize (0, 0) w: 392, h: 142
0x1400021: after gravity (50, 100) w: 392, h: 142
0x1400021: after configure (50, 100) w: 392, h: 142
0x1400021: end of constructor (50, 100) w: 392, h: 142
0x1400021: just before show (50, 100) w: 392, h: 142
0x1400021: change request (50, 100) w: 791, h: 291
0x1400021: normal hint (50, 100) w: 791, h: 291
0x1400021: change request (50, 100) w: 791, h: 291
0x1400021: normal hint (50, 100) w: 791, h: 291

the hex number is the X Window id of the window in question.
 (50, 100) w: 791, h: 291 means (x,y) width, height.  Note
the window is normal for a bit and then a configure request
comes in acking for a significantly bigger window.  The
values printed are directly from various X events.

When you look at the code below one more thing to notice is
the user request 400x150 yet the hints ask for 390x120.

Below is another debug output from JBuilder.

Blackbox::process_event(): MapRequest for 0xa00027
BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow(): creating 0xa00027
0xa00027: initial (100, 100) w: 816, h: 540
0xa00027: after hints (100, 100) w: 816, h: 540
0xa00027: sizes reflect the frame from now on
0xa00027: after upsize (0, 0) w: 818, h: 567
0xa00027: after gravity (100, 100) w: 818, h: 567
0xa00027: after configure (100, 100) w: 818, h: 567
0xa00027: end of constructor (100, 100) w: 818, h: 567
BlackboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() for 0xa00027
0xa00027: just before show (100, 100) w: 818, h: 567
JBuilder -
0xa00027: change request (100, 100) w: 818, h: 567

This is supposed to be a welcome dialog of maybe 200x200.

This bug can be reproduced often.

---------- BEGIN SOURCE ----------
import javax.swing.*;

public class DemoApp
  static JFrame aWindow = new JFrame("Quick Demo App");
  public static void main(String[] args)
    aWindow.setBounds(50, 100, 400, 150);

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