Thanks Jon, that's a very useful option. I cataloged this file as you
said (Include Contents - None).

This gave me some other ideas (warning - long post):

- I attached this script:
to iCal to automate exporting the Safari Bookmarks.html file to the
Desktop (change this location in the script). I set the alarm to the
middle of the night, so the file updates upon waking from sleep in the
morning. (In iCal, don't set 'end' to 'never' - iCal tried to eat my
computer.) I set this file to be my Safari home page and new tab page,
it's easy to search in Safari.

- I created a QS action to save the current web page to a favourites
html file:
Save it in the QS actions folder and relaunch QS. Type a new bookmark
name in pane 1, invoke the action in pane 2, and the html tag will be
added to the html file on the Desktop (change this location in the
script). Add the file to the QS catalog (Include Contents - HTML
Links) to have access to the links.

- I disabled the Safari Bookmarks and History catalogs, and I'm
favouriting the bookmarks I want to be able to call up instantly in
QS. Also, I can directly append html tags in the first pane to the
favourites html file.

Issues - I haven't thought of the best way to edit the favourites html
file, I can use Dashcode from the Developer files, or TextEdit (which
gives the file a black background in Safari!) The export script uses a
lot of keystroking, which is not ideal. I can't remember if I had to
edit the Text Manipulation Actions plugin to allow it to accept html

The upshot of this is I have almost no bookmarks in my QS results. It
sounds extreme, but I really like the clean search results I get now.
If I need any other bookmarks, I right-arrow into the Safari
Bookmarks.html file and search only the bookmarks. So, for,
I type: b - right-arrow - a. The Safari Bookmarks folder hierarchy can
still be accessed when right-arrowing into the Safari app. You were
right though, Jon - it didn't seem to solve the slow interface issue!
My QS catalog is about 1300 now. Everything works in Safari 5 - which
has improved History search from the address bar.

Cheers, philgroups.

On Jun 7, 10:56 pm, "Jon Stovell (a.k.a. Sesquipedalian)"
<> wrote:
> You can't do that, but there is another way to accomplish your goal.
> Export your Safari bookmarks from its File menu, making sure that the
> resulting Safari Bookmarks.html file is created somewhere that QS
> indexes. Bring up the Safari Bookmarks.html file in QS (you may need
> to rescan first if you are doing this immediately after exporting),
> and then right-arrow into it. QS will show you all the links in the
> file. Note that you'll have to repeat this process every time you
> change your Safari bookmarks.
> That said, I am not sure this is going to help you much with problems
> involving a slow interface.
> On Jun 6, 7:11 pm, philgroups <> wrote:
> > I would like to search my bookmarks only after right-arrowing into the
> > top level 'Bookmarks' folder, thus removing them from general results.
> > I tried copying the catalog and editing the Safari plugin plist file
> > to read the bookmarks plist as text lines or HTML links, but to no
> > avail.
> > My BezelHud QS window often responds to key presses slowly, resulting
> > in the wrong item being selected in the first pane, and I thought this
> > might speed it up a bit. My catalog has about 3900 items (including
> > Safari items).
> > Cheers, philgroups.

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