im using quicksilver ß58 (3841) on 10.5.8 intel mac

and quicksilver triggers open some of my applications with different
window sizes and zoom settings and all sorts of other settings

for example when i open firefox with a trigger it sometimes starts in
safe mode??
then when i close it and open it by clicking on a firefox icon
(without using quicksilver) it opens it in normal mode..

also when i open thunderbird using a triggger it opens it not
maximized to full screen, and with my pane settings and display
options completely different to what they actually are (for example
the window is half the size, the left folder pane is a lot bigger, and
the preview pane is a lot smaller)

so when i close it and immediately open it by clicking on thunderbird
icon (without using quicksilver) it opens normally again, with all my
display settings intact and what they should be

so i realized that this behavior only happens when i trigger those
applications with quicksilver and therefore has something to with
quicksilver and not the actual applications

could someone please help me with this one

much appreciated

thank you

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