BLFS Package        BLFS Version              Latest      Ticket
chapter 05: LVM2                2.02.155                 2.02.158     #7940
chapter 09: libgsf              1.14.38                  1.14.39      #8016
chapter 11: ImageMagick         7.0.1-10                 7.0.2-2      #7859
chapter 11: compface            1.5.2                    0            
chapter 11: screen              4.3.1                    4.4.0        #7973
chapter 12: unrar               5.3.11                   5.4.2        #7830
chapter 12: unzip               60                       manual       #7865
chapter 12: zip                 30                       manual       #7865
chapter 13: Module-Build        0.4218                   0            
chapter 13: Text-BibTeX         0.74                     0.75         
chapter 13: URI                 1.71                     0            
chapter 13: cmake               3.5.2                    pending      
chapter 13: mercurial           3.8.3                    3.8.4        
chapter 14: NetworkManager      1.2.0                    1.2.2        #7837
chapter 17: links               2.12                     2.13         #8021
chapter 20: dovecot             2.2.24                   2.2.25       
chapter 20: mariadb             10.1.14                  10.1.15      
chapter 24: libvdpau-va-gl      0.4.0                    0            
chapter 24: mesa                11.2.2                   12.0.0       #7902
chapter 25: goffice             0.10.30                  0.10.31      #8022
chapter 25: webkitgtk           2.12.2                   2.12.3       #7881
chapter 35: dconf-editor        3.20.2                   3.20.3       #8017
chapter 35: libwnck             3.20.0                   3.20.1       #8014
chapter 36: eog                 3.20.2                   3.20.3       #7985
chapter 36: epiphany            3.20.2                   3.20.3       #7986
chapter 36: evince              3.20.0                   3.20.1       #7997
chapter 36: gnome-screenshot    3.18.0                   3.20.1       #7973
chapter 36: network-manager-appl1.2.0                    1.2.2        #7837
chapter 43: firefox             47.0                     47.0.1       #8015
chapter 43: gnumeric            1.12.30                  1.12.31      #8018
chapter 43: gparted             0.26.0                   0.26.1       #7965
chapter 43: thunderbird         45.1.1                   45.2.0       
chapter 46: gst-libav           1.8.1                    1.8.2        #7935
chapter 46: gst-plugins-bad     1.8.1                    1.8.2        #7935
chapter 46: gst-plugins-base    1.8.1                    1.8.2        #7935
chapter 46: gst-plugins-good    1.8.1                    1.8.2        #7935
chapter 46: gst-plugins-ugly    1.8.1                    1.8.2        #7935
chapter 46: gstreamer           1.8.1                    1.8.2        #7935
chapter 46: gstreamer-vaapi     1.8.1                    1.8.2        #7935
chapter 46: v4l-utils           1.10.0                   1.10.1       #7966
chapter 46: x264                20160220                 daily        #7555
chapter 47: ffmpeg              3.1                      3.1.1        #8023
chapter 47: libburn             1.4.2                    1.4.4        
chapter 47: libisofs            1.4.2                    1.4.4        
chapter 47: mpg123              1.23.5                   1.23.6       #8024
chapter 47: mplayer             SVN-r37794               daily        #7556
chapter 47: vlc                 3.0.0-20160606           2.2.4        
chapter 50: biblatex-biber      current                  manual       #7897
chapter 50: texlive             20160523                 pending      

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