BLFS Package        BLFS Version              Latest      Ticket
chapter 04: p11-kit             0.23.11                  0.23.12      
chapter 04: stunnel             5.45                     5.46         #10817
chapter 06: emacs               25.3                     26.1         #10818
chapter 09: fftw                3.3.7                    3.3.8        #10819
chapter 10: libjpeg-turbo       1.5.3                    1.5.90       #10576
chapter 10: librsvg             2.42.2                   2.42.4       #10477
chapter 11: ImageMagick6        6.9.9-35                 6.9.9-49     #7859
chapter 11: ImageMagick7        7.0.7-23                 7.0.7-37     #7859
chapter 11: iso-codes           3.77                     3.79         #10831
chapter 12: accountsservice     0.6.46                   0.6.49       #10705
chapter 13: gcc                 7.3.0                    8.1.0        #10730
chapter 13: rustc               1.25.0                   1.26.1       #9168
chapter 13: vala                0.40.3                   0.40.6       #10668
chapter 14: dhcpcd              7.0.4                    0            
chapter 14: samba               4.8.0                    4.8.2        #10710
chapter 17: alpine              2.21                     2.21.999     #10188
chapter 24: mesa                18.0.3                   18.1.0       #10785
chapter 24: xf86-video-fbdev    0.4.4                    0.5.0        
chapter 35: evolution-data-serve3.28.0                   3.28.2       #10648
chapter 35: gdm                 3.28.0                   3.28.2       #10648
chapter 35: gjs                 1.52.0                   1.52.3       #10648
chapter 35: gnome-control-center3.28.0                   3.28.2       #10648
chapter 35: gnome-desktop       3.28.0                   3.28.2       #10648
chapter 35: gnome-keyring                 3.28.2       #10648
chapter 35: gnome-session       3.28.0                   3.28.1       #10648
chapter 35: gnome-settings-daemo3.28.0                   3.28.1       #10827
chapter 35: gnome-shell         3.28.0                   3.28.2       #10648
chapter 35: gnome-shell-extensio3.28.0                   3.28.1       #10648
chapter 35: gnome-user-docs     3.28.0                   3.28.2       #10648
chapter 35: gvfs                1.36.0                   1.36.2       #10648
chapter 35: libsass             3.5.2                    3.5.4        #10698
chapter 35: mutter              3.28.0                   3.28.2       #10648
chapter 35: nautilus                   3.28.1       #10648
chapter 35: vte                 0.52.0                   0.52.2       #10648
chapter 35: yelp                3.28.0                   3.28.1       #10648
chapter 35: zenity              3.28.0                   3.28.1       #10648
chapter 36: eog                 3.28.0                   3.28.2       #10649
chapter 36: evince              3.28.0                   3.28.2       #10649
chapter 36: evolution           3.28.0                   3.28.2       #10649
chapter 36: gnome-calculator    3.28.0                   3.28.1       #10649
chapter 36: gnome-disk-utility  3.28.0                   3.28.2       #10649
chapter 36: gnome-logs          3.28.0                   3.28.2       #10649
chapter 36: gnome-maps          3.28.0                   3.28.2       #10649
chapter 36: gnome-system-monitor3.28.0                   3.28.2       #10649
chapter 36: gnome-terminal      3.28.0                   3.28.2       #10649
chapter 36: network-manager-appl1.8.10                   1.8.12       #10649
chapter 37: Thunar              1.7.0                    1.7.2        #10402
chapter 37: thunar-volman       0.8.1                    0.9.0        #10163
chapter 39: libfm-qt            0.12.0                   0.13.0       #10800
chapter 39: liblxqt             0.12.0                   0.13.0       #10800
chapter 39: libsysstat          0.4.0                    0.4.1        #10800
chapter 39: lximage-qt          0.6.0                    0.7.0        #10800
chapter 39: lxqt-about          0.12.0                   0.13.0       #10800
chapter 39: lxqt-admin          0.12.0                   0.13.0       #10800
chapter 39: lxqt-build-tools    0.4.0                    0.5.0        #10800
chapter 39: lxqt-config         0.12.0                   0.13.0       #10800
chapter 39: lxqt-globalkeys     0.12.0                   0.13.0       #10800
chapter 39: lxqt-l10n           0.12.0                   0.13.0       #10800
chapter 39: lxqt-notificationd  0.12.0                   0.13.0       #10800
chapter 39: lxqt-panel          0.12.0                   0.13.0       #10800
chapter 39: lxqt-policykit      0.12.0                   0.13.0       #10800
chapter 39: lxqt-powermanagement0.12.0                   0.13.0       #10800
chapter 39: lxqt-qtplugin       0.12.0                   0.13.0       #10800
chapter 39: lxqt-runner         0.12.0                   0.13.0       #10800
chapter 39: lxqt-session        0.12.0                   0.13.0       #10800
chapter 39: lxqt-themes         0.12.0                   0.13.0       #10800
chapter 39: pavucontrol-qt      0.3.0                    0.4.0        #10800
chapter 39: pcmanfm-qt          0.12.0                   0.13.0       #10800
chapter 39: qterminal           0.8.0                    0.9.0        #10800
chapter 39: qtermwidget         0.8.0                    0.9.0        #10800
chapter 43: chromium            64.0.3282.186            67.0.3396.62 #10495
chapter 43: epiphany            3.28.1              #10685
chapter 43: gimp-help           2018-05-19-f8fb93ed2     2.8.2        
chapter 43: libreoffice              #10458
chapter 43: transmission        2.93                     2.94         #10727
chapter 44: SDL                 1.2.15                   0            
chapter 44: SDL2                2.0.8                    0            
chapter 44: a52dec              0.7.4                    0            
chapter 44: alsa-firmware       1.0.29                   0            
chapter 44: alsa-lib            1.1.6                    0            
chapter 44: alsa-oss            1.1.6                    0            
chapter 44: alsa-plugins        1.1.6                    0            
chapter 44: alsa-tools          1.1.6                    0            
chapter 44: alsa-utils          1.1.6                    0            
chapter 44: audiofile           0.3.6                    0            
chapter 44: faac                       0            
chapter 44: faad2               2.8.8                    0            
chapter 44: fdk-aac             0.1.6                    0            
chapter 44: flac                1.3.2                    0            
chapter 44: frei0r-plugins      1.6.1                    0            
chapter 44: gavl                1.4.0                    0            
chapter 44: gst-libav           1.14.1                   0            
chapter 44: gst-plugins-bad     1.14.1                   0            
chapter 44: gst-plugins-base    1.14.1                   0            
chapter 44: gst-plugins-good    1.14.1                   0            
chapter 44: gst-plugins-ugly    1.14.1                   0            
chapter 44: gstreamer           1.14.1                   0            
chapter 44: gstreamer-vaapi     1.14.1                   0            
chapter 44: id3lib              3.8.3                    0            
chapter 44: libao               1.2.0                    0            
chapter 44: libass              0.14.0                   0            
chapter 44: libcanberra         0.30                     0            
chapter 44: libcddb             1.3.2                    0            
chapter 44: libcdio             2.0.0                    0            
chapter 44: libcdio-paranoia    10.2+0.94+2              0            
chapter 44: libdiscid           0.6.2                    0            
chapter 44: libdv               1.0.0                    0            
chapter 44: libdvdcss           1.4.2                    0            
chapter 44: libdvdnav           6.0.0                    0            
chapter 44: libdvdread          6.0.0                    0            
chapter 44: libmad              0.15.1b                  0            
chapter 44: libmpeg2            0.5.1                    0            
chapter 44: libmusicbrainz2     2.1.5                    0            
chapter 44: libmusicbrainz5     5.1.0                    0            
chapter 44: libogg              1.3.3                    0            
chapter 44: libquicktime        1.2.4                    0            
chapter 44: libsamplerate       0.1.9                    0            
chapter 44: libsndfile          1.0.28                   0            
chapter 44: libtheora           1.1.1                    0            
chapter 44: libvorbis           1.3.6                    0            
chapter 44: libvpx              1.7.0                    0            
chapter 44: mlt                 6.8.0                    0            
chapter 44: opal                3.10.10                  0            
chapter 44: opus                1.2.1                    0            
chapter 44: pulseaudio          11.1                     0            
chapter 44: sbc                 1.3                      0            
chapter 44: sound-theme-freedesk0.8                      0            
chapter 44: speex               1.2.0                    0            
chapter 44: speexdsp            1.2rc3                   0            
chapter 44: taglib              1.11.1                   0            
chapter 44: v4l-utils           1.14.2                   0            
chapter 44: x265                2.8                      0            
chapter 44: xine-lib            1.2.9                    0            
chapter 44: xvidcore            1.3.5                    0            
chapter 45: vlc                 3.0.2                    3.0.3        #10823
chapter 50: fop                 2.2                      2.3          #10811

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