BLFS Package        BLFS Version              Latest      Ticket
chapter 04: nss                 3.40.1                   3.41         #11396
chapter 05: mdadm               4.0                      4.1          #11286
chapter 06: qemu                3.0.0                    3.1.0        #11224
chapter 09: boost               1_68_0                   1_69_0       
chapter 09: jansson             2.11                     2.12         #11386
chapter 09: libatomic_ops       7.6.6                    7.6.8        #11439
chapter 09: node.js             10.14.1                  10.14.2      #11440
chapter 10: librsvg             2.44.9                   2.44.10      #11441
chapter 11: ImageMagick6        6.9.10-10                6.9.10-16    #7859
chapter 11: ImageMagick7        7.0.8-10                 7.0.8-16     #7859
chapter 12: dbus                1.12.10                  1.12.12      #11410
chapter 12: systemd             239-6b4878               239          
chapter 13: List-AllUtils       0.14                     0.15         #11433
chapter 13: MarkupSafe          1.0                      1.1.0        #11318
chapter 13: Net-DNS             1.18                     1.19         #11363
chapter 13: apache-ant          1.10.4                   1.10.5       #11067
chapter 13: jdk                 10.0.2+13                11.0.1+13    #11139
chapter 13: pycairo             1.17.1                   1.18.0       #11316
chapter 13: pygobject3          3.30.1                   3.30.4       #11342
chapter 13: rustc               1.29.2                   1.31.0       #9168
chapter 13: six                 1.11.0                   1.12.0       #11428
chapter 14: NetworkManager      1.12.2                   1.14.4       #11150
chapter 14: bind9               9.12.3                   9.12.3-P1    
chapter 14: samba               4.9.1                    4.9.3        #11331
chapter 14: wpa_supplicant      2.6                      2.7          #11405
chapter 17: alpine              2.21                     2.21.999     #10188
chapter 17: curl                7.62.0                   7.63.0       
chapter 17: mutt                1.11.0                   1.11.1       #11402
chapter 17: nghttp2             1.35.0                   1.35.1       #11429
chapter 17: procmail            3.22                     0            
chapter 20: bind                9.12.3                   9.12.3-P1    
chapter 20: db                  5.3.28                   manual       
chapter 20: dovecot             2.3.3                    2.3.4        #11378
chapter 20: postfix             3.3.1                    3.3.2        #11379
chapter 20: unbound             1.8.1                    1.8.3        #11412
chapter 24: intel-vaapi-driver  2.2.0                    2.3.0        #11430
chapter 24: mesa                18.2.6                   18.3.1       #11421
chapter 24: xterm               337                      339          #11431
chapter 25: fltk                1.3.4                    1.3.4-2      #11436
chapter 25: goffice             0.10.43                  0.10.44      #11380
chapter 25: gtk+3               3.24.1                   3.24.2       
chapter 25: gtksourceview       3.24.8                   3.24.9       #11120
chapter 25: qt-everywhere-src   5.11.3                   5.12.0       #11415
chapter 25: webkitgtk           2.22.2                   2.22.4       #11374
chapter 26: adwaita-icon-theme  3.30.0                   3.30.1       #11090
chapter 26: oxygen-icons5       5.49.0                   53.0         #11097
chapter 29: extra-cmake-modules 5.49.0                   53.0         #11097
chapter 32: kf5                 5.49                     5.53         #11097
chapter 32: kf5-apps            18.08.0                  18.12.0      #11098
chapter 32: plasma5             5.13.4                   5.14.4       #11118
chapter 35: dconf               0.28.0                   0.30.1       #11090
chapter 35: dconf-editor        3.28.0                   3.30.2       #11090
chapter 35: evolution-data-serve3.28.5                   3.30.3       #11090
chapter 35: gdm                 3.28.3                   3.30.2       #11090
chapter 35: gexiv2              0.10.8                   0.10.9       #11090
chapter 35: gjs                 1.54.1                   1.54.3       #11276
chapter 35: gnome-backgrounds   3.28.0                   3.30.0       #11090
chapter 35: gnome-control-center3.28.2                   3.30.2       #11090
chapter 35: gnome-desktop       3.28.2                   3.30.2       #11090
chapter 35: gnome-menus         3.13.3                   3.31.3       #11434
chapter 35: gnome-online-account3.28.0                   3.30.0       #11090
chapter 35: gnome-session       3.28.1                   3.30.1       #11090
chapter 35: gnome-settings-daemo3.28.1              #11090
chapter 35: gnome-shell         3.28.3                   3.30.2       #11090
chapter 35: gnome-shell-extensio3.28.1                   3.30.1       #11090
chapter 35: gnome-user-docs     3.28.2                   3.30.2       #11090
chapter 35: grilo               0.3.6                    0.3.7        #11090
chapter 35: gvfs                1.36.2                   1.38.1       #11090
chapter 35: libsass             3.5.4                    3.5.5        #11337
chapter 35: libwnck             3.24.1                   3.30.0       #11090
chapter 35: mutter              3.28.3                   3.30.2       #11090
chapter 35: nautilus            3.28.1                   3.30.5       #11090
chapter 35: vte                 0.54.2                   0.54.3       #11435
chapter 35: yelp                3.28.1                   3.30.0       #11090
chapter 35: zenity              3.28.1                   3.30.0       #11090
chapter 36: baobab              3.28.0                   3.30.0       #11091
chapter 36: cheese              3.28.0                   3.30.0       #11091
chapter 36: eog                 3.28.3                   3.28.4       #11091
chapter 36: evince              3.28.2                   3.30.2       #11091
chapter 36: evolution           3.28.5                   3.30.3       #11091
chapter 36: file-roller         3.28.1                   3.30.1       #11091
chapter 36: gnome-calculator    3.28.2                   3.30.1       #11091
chapter 36: gnome-color-manager 3.28.0                   3.30.0       #11091
chapter 36: gnome-disk-utility  3.28.3                   3.30.2       #11091
chapter 36: gnome-logs          3.28.5                   3.30.0       #11091
chapter 36: gnome-maps          3.28.2                   3.30.3       #11091
chapter 36: gnome-power-manager 3.26.0                   3.30.0       #11091
chapter 36: gnome-screenshot    3.26.0                   3.30.0       #11091
chapter 36: gnome-system-monitor3.28.2                   3.30.0       #11091
chapter 36: gnome-terminal      3.28.2                   3.30.2       #11091
chapter 36: gnome-tweaks        3.28.1                   3.30.2       #11091
chapter 36: gucharmap           10.0.4                   11.0.3       #11091
chapter 36: network-manager-appl1.8.16                   1.8.18       #11091
chapter 36: seahorse            3.20.0              #11091
chapter 37: Thunar              1.7.0                    1.8.2        #10402
chapter 37: garcon              0.6.1                    0.6.2        #11422
chapter 37: thunar-volman       0.8.1                    0.9.1        #10163
chapter 43: epiphany                   3.30.2       #11095
chapter 43: gimp                2.10.6                   2.10.8       #11332
chapter 43: gnumeric            1.12.43                  1.12.44      #11381
chapter 43: libreoffice              #11180
chapter 45: Clearlooks          2.0                      0            
chapter 45: MPlayer             1.3.0                    0            
chapter 45: ffmpeg              4.0.2                    4.1          #11310
chapter 45: kwave               18.08.0                  18.12.0      #11098
chapter 45: transcode           1.1.7                    0            
chapter 50: cups                2.2.9                    2.2.10       #11424
chapter 50: docbook-xsl         1.79.2                   manual       

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