A while back I did the GNOME install. I got through it by following the various required and some optional packages but in some cases you get multiple levels deep following required packages and forget where you started. And, sometimes your not sure if you installed something or not.

Here's how I solve that when following the BLFS book...keep in mind this is only one solution out of many possibilities, but this works quite well for me. I'll use pseudo-examples for this.

It's time for me to build libfoo 1.0, so from the BLFS table of contents, I click on the link to the page with the build instructions for libfoo. On this page, I note that libfoo depends on libbar, and libbaz. So, I click on the link to libbar from the libfoo page, taking me to the page for libbar, which I notice, depends on libblah as well, so I click on that link, install libblah. Once I've completed that, I use the convenient back-arrow on my browser, which takes me back to libbar - all deps are satisfied for that one, so I build it, and back-arrow again, bringing me back to libfoo. The "visited link" tracking in the browser tells me that libbar is already built....this fact is nice if I'm building in multiple sessions, and can't leave the browser open for whatever reason. I see that libfoo still needs libbaz to satisfy it's deps, so I start the process all over again.

So therefore, by drilling down the dependency tree, and using the browser "back" function, I can easily keep track of where I am in the process. Once I "back" all the way to the table of contents, it's time to build another package, and start the process all over again.

Just one man's method of settling deps, and a kudos to the BLFS developers for setting things up this way (even if it wasn't intentional, it's still VERY useful).

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