On 02/10/2014 04:19 PM, Armin K. wrote:
> On 02/10/2014 01:27 PM, Gregory H. Nietsky wrote:
>> On 02/10/14 14:04, Fernando de Oliveira wrote:
>>> I thought it would be worth sharing what I have just read. Perhaps not
>>> everybody knows about it yet.
>>> 1. Debian votes for systemd
>>> https://lists.debian.org/debian-ctte/2014/02/msg00338.html
>> as much as i think systemd is a stinking pile ... for debian [read 
>> ubuntu if you want by extension ignore they use upstart] it makes sense 
>> for the non technical consumer.
>> in my corner of the world ubuntu is rolled out at one of the major banks 
>> [1 of 4] and they basically use firefox for everything maybe some libre 
>> office ... the same bank uses asterisk voip server. and for these 
>> systems its probably the way to go. same applys to daughters school 100% 
>> ubuntu. ubuntu is a firm favorite here and at one stage i was neighbours 
>> with M. Shuttleworths brother Grant other distros rarely feature.
>> for use on a server or on embeded / .... systems its a bad call and i 
>> worry that it could cause problems that will be blamed on "linux" and 
>> not pid 0 ....
> Actually, people rather prefer systemd for embedded since as you know
> embedded hardware isn't that much  powerful as the server or desktop
> machines (any architecture). Systemd uses pure C code instead of shell
> scripts for most of the tasks, so it's a win in preformance and
> memory/cpu usage as well for them and it *really matters*. You can
> disable lots of things and optimize it for low-end hardware. I believe
> it was some car company that used systemd in their embedded software but
> I might be wrong.
> As for servers, I personally find it way easier to use and maintain
> servers that come with systemd unlike the ones that come with
> sysVinit/upstart/whatever.
> If you watched the video I posted few days ago, Lennart did mention that
> there's a learning curve and if you got used to sysvinit you *need* to
> learn systemd commands and such. Of course, those who spend
> years/decades using shell will say that shell is easy, blah blah, etc,
> but for beginners (<- note: beginners, newbies, no knowledge or very
> limited one about shell) systemd is rather waaay easy to use and to
> understand.
> Learning curve is there, but if you are at the beginnings, it's rather
> way easier to learn systemd instead of shell. Of course, for some tasks
> you'll still need shell, but mostly there's software for common things
> that are being done on servers. Do note that not every server
> needs/requires some special treatment, but there are actually lot of
> them that do.
> If you think systemd is bad choice for servers, think again. Red Hat
> Enterprise Linux, who's more focused on servers than on desktops is
> shipping with systemd for RHEL 7.0 and they wouldn't do it if it was
> *that bad* as people say it is. openSUSE is also using it, so it
> shouldn't be surprising if SLES and SLED begin to use it, too.
>> for those who are not sure or would like to try something to see what 
>> will happen if systemd failed in any way type "kill -9 0" as root.
>> Greg
> Really? Have you actually tried it for *any* init system? The PID 0
> seems to be protected from sigkill and sigterm from userspace and you
> can't kill it that way. Any other non-standard way to terminate the
> process would cause kernel panic anyways, be it systemd, sysvinit,
> openrc, upstart, etc.

It should read PID 1 instead of PID 0 in the original mail and response.
My bad for not spotting it earlier, I just woke up when I wrote this
response. The rest still stands.

Note: My last name is not Krejzi.
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