Fernando de Oliveira wrote:
Sorry, sent before, directly to Chistopher, by mistake.

Em 15-07-2014 14:26, Christopher Gregory escreveu:
On Wed, July 16, 2014 2:26 am, Christopher Gregory wrote:

I have just completed the conversion of the entire book to systemd.

I have uploaded a copy that can be viewed online:


It was a great job, perhaps the long discussions are finished, now.

What is the URL for making a local copy of the svn repository?

I don't know how you have BLFS checked out. I've got the whole repository at ~/BLFS, so for me it's just a case of

cd ~/BLFS
svn up

For the gnome branch alone, it would be:

svn ci svn://linuxfromscratch.org/BLFS/branches/gnome dest-dir

Some minor comments and questions, such a great project in so little
time may leave some things passed without noticing (almost like a typo)

1. It would be interesting to have some statistics: Number of pages
needed to modify for specific BLFS-systemd.

2. Percentage of pages that are common to both branches.

3. I notice that the branch started as gnome, but now it would be more
properly renamed blfs-systemd.

4. In the same direction, book has title

     Beyond Linux® From Scratch

and should be modified, perhaps to:

     Beyond Linux® From Scratch Systemd.

See http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/gnome/

  -- Bruce
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