Pierre Labastie wrote:
Hi list,

The current instructions for oxygen-icons5 install the icons in
/usr/share/icons/oxygen5, but the index.theme file is installed in
/usr/share/icons/oxygen. This has the result that the oxygen icons are not
displayed in the DE, although the icon theme exists.

I think the need for an oxygen5 directory dates back to the time when both
oxygen-icons from KDE4 and from KDE5 were installed side by side. Now, we only
have oxygen-icons from KDE5. so I think it'd be better to install them in the
/usr/share/icons/oxygen directory (upstream default). I can modify the
instructions in the book for that (I'd also change the title to
oxygen-icons-<version>, and the entity to oxygen-icons, with the associated
changes to various xref's in the book).

Any objection?

No objection here.  Please go ahead.

  -- Bruce

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