I am in the process of updating libinput and have a couple of issues I'd like to discuss.

First, several months ago I moved libinput into xorg drivers. Upon review, that may have been a mistake. There is nothing in Xorg that uses it. The references in the book are:

general/sysutils/weston.xml:  <xref linkend="libinput"/>,
gnome/platform/mutter.xml:    <xref linkend="libinput"/>,
kde/plasma5/plasma-all.xml:   <xref linkend="libinput"/>,
x/lib/qt5.xml:                <xref linkend="libinput"/>
x/lib/clutter.xml:            <xref linkend="libinput"/>,
xfce/core/xfce4-settings.xml: <xref linkend="libinput"/>

IIRC, I moved libinput from General Libraries where Armin placed it initially. I now propose moving it back.

Second, the build and install of libinput-1.4.0 is straight forward, but virtually all the checks fail. In order to run the checks both the check program and valgrind need to be installed. However most of the checks are based on valgrind and valgrind fails. This is because we strip /lib/ld-2.23.so with --strip unneeded in LFS.

When checking some major distros, they make a ld-2.23.so.dbg file available as a replacement for the normally stripped ld-2.23.so file that would be installed with something like:

ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 -> ld-2.23.so.dbg

This file comes from glibc.

The question here is how to handle it. We can change the LFS stripping procedure to do something like:

cp /lib/ld-2.23.so /tmp/ld-2.23.so.dbg

and then continue with

/tools/bin/find /lib /usr/lib -type f -name \*.so* \
   -exec /tools/bin/strip --strip-unneeded {} ';'

mv /tmp/ld-2.23.so.dbg /lib

Then users can use the .dbg version just by changing the ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 symlink.

Another option is to say that libinput does not come with a workable test suite.

A third option is to describe the issue and say how to test the package but that we have not run the tests.

I'm leaning toward this third option, but only slightly.

I appreciate any thoughts you may have about this package.

  -- Bruce
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