On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 12:42:35PM +0100, akhiezer wrote:
> > From: Wayne Blaszczyk <wblas...@bigpond.net.au>
> > Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 19:16:41 +1000
> >
> > Again, it seemed not to change from the previous version.
> >
> The central issue is that much of that 'header' info
> (dates/checksums/sizes/build-times/...) get input manually, instead of
> done automatically. That the former persists for so long is technically
> and administratively incompetent; and it's further worsened that it
> gets clung onto.
> akh

I'll begin by mentioning a few things about what has to be done when
editing - I'm sure you know all this, but I'd hate for people
inspired by automation to overlook the pesky details.

For build times, and sizes, the figures have to be measured and
recorded, and these figures then need to be picked up by your
process which puts them into the book.

In particular, for BLFS an SBU itself has to be recalculated when the
box has been booted for the first time with the new LFS system
(perhaps 10% longer than the SBU for the previous release).

For configure or equivalent, the switches need to be checked : did
what we use, or the defaults, change ?  Do we need a new switch to
get something ?

There is also the question of dependency changes, but I'm sure that
will always require manual investigation and judgement.

For installing a package we will do a DESTDIR or equivalent if at
all possible (with whatever variations to the invocation are needed.
See in particular QT packages, but also biber, some python modules
for variations - and a few need root even for DESTDIR).

In some packages, repeat with testsuite and observe if the book's
instructions are still correct.

I look forward to your fork where you show us how to automate this.
Bonus points for using no more than 4 cores on machines with more
cores (for things using rust and ninja).  More bonus points for not
requiring user input to specify which files to read for

Truth, in front of her huge walk-in wardrobe, selected black leather
boots with stiletto heels for such a barefaced truth.
                                     - Unseen Academicals
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