On Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 10:21:56PM -0500, DJ Lucas wrote:
> I'll give ant a shot in a bit...well, given the time of day, I expect it'll
> probably be tomorrow night. I won't need it for another 80 or 90 packages
> yet. The 'get' error, however, looks like you are either missing the java
> cacerts, or you are using the PKCS#12 cacerts file instead of the JKS format
> file - we have to use the old format for ant, which is default in the book.
> You said that JAVA_HOME was not set, and this is covered in the book. Did
> you finish the binary Java install? There is a link at the bottom of the
> page that has to be followed to complete the install - which includes
> creating the cacerts file and the /etc/profile.d/jdk.sh file (which sets
> --DJ
Thanks, I think I'm getting there.

For JAVA_HOME I read a comment somewhere, perhaps in a commit, that
this was now deprecated.  I don't use the BLFS way of adding PATH
components (so, if I _need_ to use tex, or qt, or jdk, or, (for
testing) kde in a build I have to set the PATH.

I think I removed all references to JAVA_HOME because of that
comment at some point after I last successfully built ant.

And the certs change was what threw me.  After rebuilding the certs
I'm almost there (trying apache-ant-1.10.5 again) :
 'cp -rv ant-1.10.5 /opt/'
does not work, no such file. It looks as if ./build.sh has installed
everything (I build as root, not sure what will happen for a regular

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