I was looking at ticket #11154 where Thomas reported that 'chmod a+x /usr/bin/lightdm-session' didn't find /usr/bin/lightdm-session.

What we had in BLFS-8.2 is:

sed '\@/bin/sh@a\
. /etc/profile' tests/src/lightdm-session > /usr/bin/lightdm-session &&

chmod a+x /usr/bin/lightdm-session


I did some testing with a default /usr/bin/lightdm-session and found that login works, but /etc/profile is not run. I cannot log in without /usr/bin/lightdm-session. So we need to do at least:

cp tests/src/lightdm-session /usr/bin/lightdm-session

In addition, ~/.bash_profile is not run when bringing up a terminal because starting bash in a window is not a login version of bash.

The question is what is the correct initialization when lightdm starts a session and how to do it.

My solution right now is to have:

$cat /usr/bin/lightdm-session
. /etc/profile          # <--- Added
. $HOME/.bash_profile   # <--- Added

# Run the session expecting the full command to be the first argument.
# It has to be like this for backwards compatibility instead of having a # normal argument list
exec $1

  -- Bruce
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