On 16.1.2019. 18:31, Tim Tassonis via blfs-dev wrote:
On 1/16/19 6:13 PM, Douglas R. Reno via blfs-dev wrote:

On 1/16/19 11:09 AM, Tim Tassonis via blfs-dev wrote:
Hi all

I ran into strange problems when  updating gvfs to 1.38.1. It turned out that the problem was that the lib stuff got installed into /usr/lib64 instead of /usr/lib.  gfvs was then not working

Now, this might well be the because  I'm still on glib 2.58.0, but in any case, adding

      --libdir=/usr/lib \

to the meson build for gvfs fixes the problem.

If I am not totally wrong, lfs dropped  the  symlink /usr/lib64 pointing to /usr/lib, or am I wrong?

Does somebody  maybe know more  about this? Otherwise, I would like to update the  gvfs page accordingly.


Hello Tim,

I can't confirm this on my system:

       meson --prefix=/usr     \
             --sysconfdir=/etc \
             -Dfuse=true       \
             -Dgphoto2=false   \
             -Dafc=false       \
             -Dbluray=false    \
             -Dnfs=false       \
             -Dmtp=false       \
             -Dsmb=true        \
             -Ddnssd=true      \
             -Dgoa=true        \
             -Dgoogle=true     .. &&

renodr [ /sources ]$ ls /usr/lib/gvfs/libgvfs*
/usr/lib/gvfs/libgvfscommon.so  /usr/lib/gvfs/libgvfsdaemon.so

This system is running a jhalfs build from 20181226 (systemd). I'm not sure if sysvinit does anything different in this regard though, so if you're using sysvinit, it's possible that it could have problems like this.

Feel free to add --libdir=/usr/lib though, it should be harmless.

Very strange, I now  just started to compile glib 2.58.2 and it also wants to install into /usr/lib64. I'm quite  sure I haven't updated meson or ninja since  installing 2.58.0, so I'm not sure what causes this sudded change at my site, and obviously not at  yours.

I believe meson will default to 64 prefix if you have /lib64 or /usr/lib64 at configure time.
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