Maybe this should go to support, but this might also be an issue with tar or
git man-pages.
Tar version: 1.31
git version: 2.20.1

sudo tar -xf ../git-manpages-2.20.1.tar.xz \
    -C /usr/share/man --no-same-owner --no-overwrite-dir
just returns:
the exit code is 134 (means SIGABRT was received)
and nothing is extracted.

Adding -v to the command, the output is just:

tar -tvf git-manpages-2.20.1.tar.xz
shows that all paths begin with ./ and that all directories (including ./)
have mode drwxr-sr-x. So the set-group-id flag might be the culprit.

I've tried --no-same-permission, to no avail.

using --strip-components=1 allows the files to be extracted, but the
set-group-id flag is set on the extracted files.

If I run the command with these 2 switches: --strip-components=1
--no-same-permission and remove the -C /usr/share/man (that is extract to the
current directory), it works, and the extracted files have the right
permissions (drwxr-xr-x) and owner root:root. But if I run the same command
again (that is, now man[157] exists), the command aborts.

But with the /usr/share/man, the command still aborts!

The only way I've found to install the man pages (besides installing asciidoc
and generating them) is to extract them as a user to the current directory,
chown them to root:root, and copy them to where they belong.

install -dvm 755 man
tar -xf ../git-manpages-2.20.1.tar.xz -C man
chown -Rv root:root man
cp -Rv man /usr/share

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