On 12/31/19 1:20 PM, Xi Ruoyao via blfs-dev wrote:

Now most of our meson commands contains a '..' but a few does not.  Maybe we
should remove all '..' in meson commands.  Reasons:

(1)  '..' is unnecessary in meson command, with "mkdir build; cd build".
(2)  Sometimes we forgot to "mkdir build; cd build" and type the meson command
in the source code directory, mistakenly.  With a '..' meson will believe '..'
is the building directory and produce build.ninja and many other files in '..'.
It's hard to clean them because BLFS source code directory (/usr/src or
$HOME/src) contains lots of tarballs.  However, without '..' if we forgot to
type "mkdir build; cd build" meson would complain and exit, instead of producing
the files.

Any thoughts?

My usual preference it to be explicit. Removing the .. directory relies on implicit behavior. I prefer using the current instructions.

  -- Bruce

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