On 1/23/21 10:16 PM, Pierre Labastie via blfs-dev wrote:
On Sat, 2021-01-23 at 21:20 +0100, Tim Tassonis via blfs-dev wrote:

On 1/23/21 6:43 PM, Pierre Labastie via blfs-dev wrote:
On Sat, 2021-01-23 at 11:10 -0600, Douglas R. Reno via blfs-dev

On 1/23/21 11:06 AM, Tim Tassonis via blfs-dev wrote:
Hi all

Hi Tim,
When setting up my new xfce4 based system, I stumbled across

It easily adds support for webp images in gdk-pixbuf-loader,
then automatically gets picked up by thunar, tumbler and
will allow you to view and preview those images. I suppose it
the same for gnome folks.

I think GPicView, Nautilus, EOG, and maybe PCManFM could use this
thumbnails :)

The repository is at


Current version is.


which should be downloaded to webp-pixbuf-loader-0.0.2.tar.gz

Build and install is a simple matter of:

mkdir build
cd build || exit
meson --prefix=/opt/X11 -Dbuildtype=release ..
ninja || exit
cd ..
cd build || exit
DESTDIR=$DESTDIR ninja install || exit
cd ..
/opt/X11/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders --update-cache

Of course, DESTDIR is my own choice, as is the /opt/X11 prefix.

Maybe this could be added as a suggestion to the libwebp or the
gdk-pixbuf page?

It looks simple enough, I think we should add it to the book,
placing it into Graphics Libraries. Being able to read webp
images is
very useful now. I'd say mentioning it on the gdk-pixbuf page
useful. Bruce and others, what do you think?

Both libwebp and gdk-pixbuf are dependencies for webp-pixbuf-
loader. We
usually mention things the other way around. But definitely, we
mention it for any package that can use it (either as a runtime dep
a build dep, we need to check). So it may be more practical to have
in the book. Reading the issues, this package seems to be usable
pcmanfm, eog, and a lot of viewer.

I have installed and "tested" it, it is clearly a runtime dependency,
neither libwebp or gdk-pixbuf need it or can even use it when
building them.

I may have not been clear: libwebp and gdk-pixbuf are required for
building webp-pixbuf-loader (see meson.build), not the other way

You have been clear, we're just talking around each other. I mean the same thing as you.

I can confirm that it is usable with ristretto tumbler, thunar and
pcmanfm, I have all these built and installed _before_
webp-pixbuf-loader, and they now all display webp images just fine.
Animated webp files however are not supported for thumbnailing.

So webp-pixbuf-loader is definitely a rt dependency for all those apps.
Good to know.

Yes, but only an optional rt dependency. It is just a nice add-on to those two.

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