On Wed, 2005-08-10 at 17:47 +0100, Matthew Burgess wrote:
> Andrew Benton wrote:
> > In Gnome, when I run Nautilus in browser fashion it has a computer icon 
> > on the toolbar. If I click on it it shows me floppy, CD-ROM and mp3. If 
> > I click on them it mounts it and then shows the contents. To unmount it 
> > I right click and choose Unmount Volume before removing it. This works 
> > with a vanilla kernel and no automount daemon running. HTH
> Hmm, I wonder how that works then?  Did you by any chance compile dbus 
> and hal as pre-reqs to Gnome?  The only reason I ask is that I know 
> 'ivman' (http://ivman.sourceforge.net/) does a similar thing entirely in 
> userspace and relies on those packages (and 'pmount') to do its thing.

Actually, I think all Gnome does (without HAL/GVM) is look at fstab to
determine what devices should appear. Attempting to open those volumes
causes it to attempt to mount them.

In contrast, with HAL/GVM it goes one step further - the list of
available volumes is based on information provided by the kernel, and is
updated (thanks to HAL) whenever new devices appear - e.g a usb stick
being plugged in or a CD/DVD being inserted.  GVM can then automatically
mount the new volume, and opens a nautilus window to browse it
(actually, it can use custom programs for DVDs, cameras, etc, but I just
use nautilus).

Incidentally if anyone else is interested in trying this stuff out, feel
free to ask me. Over the last six months, it's gotten quite a bit easier
than it used to be, particularly with Gnome 2.11. One of these days,
I'll get around to writing a hint for it...


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