Dan wrote:

I'm the happy user of the LFS 6.1 and have LCD panel connected to LPT
port. I'm using kernel module lcdlinux to display various things on
it. I found out, that I have to have /dev/lcd and I create it manualy
upon start of the system, because /dev directory is cleared on every
shutdown. But udev is not creating /dev/lcd node when I insert the
module into the kernel.
Can anybody help me with adding a rule to udev, so it creates a node

Yes. To do so, please gather enough information from your system.

1) Start with this module not loaded.
2) As root, run "udevmonitor --env" on the terminal
3) On the other terminal, run "modprobe lcdlinux"
4) Reply to this message with the output pasted from the first terminal.

Alexander E. Patrakov
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