Sorry i'm an idiot; my hardware isn't anyting exotic, just an onboard ac97
When i say all of it, i compiled everything relating to ALSA features,
but only the device drivers i need lol.
I rebuilt it built-in, same options, just not a module. dmesg tells me
that alsa reported "no soundcards found".
I'll keep looking...

On 11/30/06, Reece Dunn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Hi all,
> I've installed ALSAlib, ALSAutils, and ALSAplugins. I've compiled the
> entire ALSA part of the kernel as a module. I've loaded each and every
> one of these modules.
> And yet the only devices appearing are /dev/snd/midi and /dev/snd/timer
> I've run alsaconf, and it claimed it couldn't detect any soundcards.
> Running a mknod command to manually create /dev/dsp didn't work.
> I've completely run out of ideas to fix this. Does anyone else have any?


There are a large number of ALSA drivers in the kernel, under different
subsections. Did you include all of these? Are they built as modules or
into the kernel?

I find it easier to configure ALSA with the soundcard support built into the
kernel, but that requires knowing what drivers you need. From what I
remember, alsaconf requires the snd module and I also recall the (B)LFS
information saying that there is an issue using it along side udev/hotplug,
but I can't recall the specifics.

A couple of things to try:

run dmesg and look for the section that starts with "ALSA device list:". You
should see something like (if it is working properly):

ALSA device list:
  #0: Dummy 1
  #1: Virtual MIDI Card 1
  #2: HDA Intel at 0xd0180000 irq 17

As you have said, "ls /dev/snd" should list some devices that start with
'control' and 'pcm'. Performing "ls /proc/asound" should also yield
directories of the form card[0-9]* with symbolic links to them.

If you rebuild the kernel with ALSA built in (not a module) along with
only the null and midi devices, you should see them in the output listed
above. If that works, then you know that ALSA is working and you then
need to find the right soundcard.

Do you have the computers manual? If not, you can try running the
"lspci" command. If you have an Intel soundcard (like mine), you will
most likely want the "Intel HDA" soundcard. If that doesn't work, try
the ALSA website as that has a large database detailing supported
hardware and the driver you will need for it.

Once you have managed to setup the card, if it is not the only device
(like I have above), you need to create an /etc/asound.conf file. This
will look something like:

cat > /etc/asound.conf << "EOF"
   type hw
   card Intel
   device 0

   type hw
   card Intel

You can specify the card as a number (i.e. the number part of
/proc/asound/card[0-9]*) or by name (i.e. one of the symbolic
links in /proc/asound). You will then need to install the ALSA
blfs-bootscripts file as outlined in the ALSA Libs part of BLFS
and run alsamixer to alter the volume.

And don't forget to back up your kernel configuration file. I
keep mine in a source control system as it makes it easier to
track the changes.

- Reece
LFS User: 17921
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