On 3/7/07, Shawn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Arden:
> I am not totally sure, but I think ivman is not required anymore for use
> with dbus and hal. However, I don't use gnome, I only use kde. For
> example, cds and dvds automount and they will open player apps of my
> choice. I don't use ivman. Perhaps ivman provides some functionality
> beyond automounting and opening apps.

It still is, depending on your use case. HAL just provides the methods
to do things like automount/suspend/etc. But something needs to
coordinate with the user session and tell HAL when to do these things.
In GNOME, this is gnome-volume-manager and gnome-power-manager. In
KDE, I think this is kioslave and kpowersave, but I'm guessing.

Ivman does the same things without the tight integration with a
specific desktop environment. So, you could use it in fluxbox or
something without pulling in major parts of GNOME/KDE.

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