On 04/26/2012 08:16 PM, Fernando de Oliveira wrote:
> --- Em qui, 26/4/12, Armin K. escreveu:
>> De: Armin K.<kre...@email.com>
>> Assunto: Re: [blfs-support] evince and gsettings
>> Para: "BLFS Support List"<blfs-support@linuxfromscratch.org>
>> Data: Quinta-feira, 26 de Abril de 2012, 14:03
>> On 04/26/2012 06:39 PM, Fernando de
>> Oliveira wrote:
>>> LFS7.0 and 7.1 (both"svn")
>>> When running evince from console, the following message
>> appears:
>>> "GLib-GIO-Message: Using the 'memory' GSettings
>> backend. Your settings will not be saved or shared with
>> other applications."
>>> This has happened for months and different versions of
>> software.
>>> Current versions:
>>> gsettings-desktop-schemas-3.4.1
>>> dconf-0.12.0
>>> evince-3.4.0
>>> $ echo $GNOME_PREFIX
>>> /opt/gnome
>>> $ ls -l /opt/gnome | awk -F" " '{ print $9 " " $10 " "
>> $11 }'
>>> /opt/gnome ->   gnome-3.2.2
>>> It runs, ok, but always starts in a small window with
>> the default options. It is annoying.
>>> Can anyone help me, please?
>>> Thanks.
>>> []s,
>>> Fernando
>> Have you created dbus configuration file to include
>> /opt/gnome/share/dbus-1 ? Since dconf is present, dbus
>> should spawn it.
>> I've still got the feeling that gnome can't work correctly
>> when prefix
>> != /usr and sysconfdir != /etc
> Thanks for the reply, Armin.
> I believe I have:
> $ cat /etc/dbus-1/session-local.conf
> <!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC
>   "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Bus Configuration 1.0//EN"
>   "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/busconfig.dtd";>
> <busconfig>
>    <!-- Search for .service files in 
> $GNOME_PREFIX/share/dbus-1/session-services -->
>    <servicedir>$GNOME_PREFIX/share/dbus-1/session-services</servicedir>
>    <!-- Search for .service files in /usr/local -->
>    <servicedir>/usr/local/share/dbus-1/services</servicedir>
> </busconfig>
> []s,
> Fernando

I am not sure if DBus will read  environment. Try using full paths 
instead of variables.
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