On 07/08/2012 07:44 PM, DJ Lucas wrote:
> On 07/08/2012 10:36 AM, DJ Lucas wrote:
>> On 07/08/2012 08:37 AM, DJ Lucas wrote:
>>> On 07/08/2012 02:37 AM, Armin K. wrote:
>>>> On 07/08/2012 04:53 AM, DJ Lucas wrote:
>>>>> Anybody have an idea of how to allow a regular user (as a member of a
>>>>> dedicated group) to modify a wired connection's configuration? With the
>>>>> config file I've added to the BLFS Wiki (well, similar to that one, I've
>>>>> divided it up as I had suggested),
>>>>> http://wiki.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/wiki/NetworkManager I'm able to
>>>>> enable and disable the connections, but I cannot edit settings using the
>>>>> gnome nm applet on wired connections. I'm sure I'm missing something
>>>>> simple, but can't for the life of me find it. I've tried various changes
>>>>> to policies with no change. Also, clicking network settings from the
>>>>> tray does nothing...I have to open nm-connection-manager manually.
>>>>> -- DJ Lucas
>>>> Does it work? It looks to me like something I found in Debian not so
>>>> long ago, but I've noticed that network manager will work without that.
>>>> However, you need to make sure about two things: polkit-gnome MUST be
>>>> running. Probably the reason why you can't edit connections, because it
>>>> would require polkit authentification agent to be running. Another main
>>>> reason is that your session needs to be registered with consolekit and
>>>> also marked as active (I suggest using Linux PAM there, since I don't
>>>> know any other way).
>>>> $ ck-list-sessions
>>>> Session2:
>>>>    unix-user = '1000'
>>>>    realname = 'Armin K'
>>>>    seat = 'Seat1'
>>>>    session-type = ''
>>>>    active = TRUE
>>>>    x11-display = ':0'
>>>>    x11-display-device = '/dev/tty7'
>>>>    display-device = ''
>>>>    remote-host-name = ''
>>>>    is-local = TRUE
>>>>    on-since = '2012-07-08T06:55:14.236487Z'
>>>>    login-session-id = '2'
>>>> My session is started via GDM, so x11-display-device is /dev/tty7. You
>>>> might get different output there, but you need to make sure that active
>>>> = TRUE and is-local = TRUE is really present, or you will be unable to
>>>> do any "administrative" stuff.
>>> There it is. I'm not using gdm so the x attributes aren't set. active =
>>> FALSE. Gnome only needs to be started by gnome-session in .xinitrc,
>>> thanks to the PAM configuration you added (dbus-lauch
>>> --exit-with-session is no longer required), however, I do not see
>>> polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 in ps output. That'll give me
>>> something to work from, however.
>> Argh! You have this covered in the book already, I just didn't catch it
>> when updating my gnome scripts to latest. I didn't get the autostart
>> file installed.
> BTW, still not fixed. I'm unable to get an active ck session. Been
> staring at this all day and just now realized that the login-session-id
> was not set. Just rebuilt kernel with CONFIG_AUDITSYSCALL=y (I have no
> idea why I would have even messed with auditing support. Still not
> fixed, but I suspect it has to do with dbus-launch now. Will report back
> when fixed.
> -- DJ

You need to use ck-launch-session dbus-launch --exit-with-session 

dbus-launch is needed if gnome-session is run from command line afaik ...


as you see there is full command in the configuration section.

To get valid session id, you need to use pam_loginuid and 
pam_ck_connector in system session OR in login configuration file (the 
consolekit pam adition)
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