> Hi folks,
> I wonder if anyone could guess what's wrong with my text terminal.
> I've recently built LFS-7.4 (32bit) and most of BLFS (I'm not using X
> Windows, just text terminals only) on Atom D2550 motherboard, VGA display
> resolution.
> When I logged in if I try to edit bash command line by deleting symbol with
> BS rest of the text line became solid white blocks.
> The same happens if I edit in mcedit (editing in midnight commander). If I
> scroll text garbage symbols scroll as well).
> Same happens if I use DEL key, but not every time.
> I also use loadkeys with no-latin1 (dunno if it might cause any trouble or
> not).
> Any hint, what might be wrong?
> Regards,
> Alexey

This sounds very much like the problem that I had just under a year ago.
 Have a look in the archives for "keyboard-1.15.3 errors on backspace with
UK keymap" dated 15/12/2012.  Coincidently, it was on a similar Atom-based
board -- DN2800MT.

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