> Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 12:30:09 -0600
> From: Bruce Dubbs <bruce.du...@gmail.com>
> To: BLFS Support List <blfs-support@linuxfromscratch.org>
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Getting X-server to re-read its xorg.conf.d
>  config files 'dynamically'.
> >
> > Anyone know of a current or mooted way in which to get X-server to
> > re-read its config files that are under /{usr/share,etc}/X11/xorg.conf.d/
> > , dynamically and without stop/start or restart X server itself? I.e. to
> > absorb & use the new cfg - not just check for correctness.
> Not that I know of.  I've never need to consider that.
> > Most-immediate purpose here is: to adjust some settings for hardware that
> > is added/removed dynamically, and for which it's kindof awkward to know in
> > advance what its quirks are; so the relevant config files to handle such
> > cases can't really be in place before X starts.
> Can you give details?  What are you adding?  A different kind of mouse? 
>   A second screen (e.g. a projector)?

It was a new mouse for a user. They were in the midst of 'a lot of context'
in their x-win, and potentially disrupting it by x-restart was a bit of
a no-no. They'd thought that the xorg.conf.d stuff (/usr/share & /etc)
could be used for dynamically creating/changing config files and have x
re-read/reload them (like e.g. some server progs can be told to re-load
their cfg, without stop/start/restart server prog); whereas I'd always
understood them to be just for cfg files that although can handle h/w
added/removed dynamically, have to be in-place in advance of x start in
order to be able to do that.

The new mouse got tamed for the duration via xset &c; and then when could
restart x, stuff was picked up ok from cfg files. But I just thought there
might be some new-ish way - already implemented, or on the way - for x
to do the cfg-reload; some reading didn't throw anything obvious up -
hence the post.

((Mouse was a new ms-comfort-mouse-6000 - they've seemingly changed
quite a few things under-the-hood. Mouse was going bananas - hyperactive,
else swimming through thick gel. Old ms-intellimouse-explorer-... gave
'em lots of years of heavy use - think since 2004.

Anyone happen to know if post-X stuff (Wayland &c) _will_ or does have
such a facility?


> Yes, one can use xset &c to
> > make cmdline changes, but it'd be useful to be able to shovel the stuff into
> > the cfg files, and have them re-read: and indeed to be able to do testing of
> > said cfg files in an efficient manner (i.e. without restart of x-server, 
> > &c).
> >
> >
> > Any input (sic) on this, much appreciated. Apols for noise if am 'omitting
> > to remember' something relatively direct.
> >

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