On Sun, Oct 05, 2014 at 01:44:55PM -0400, Michael Shell wrote:
> On Sun, 05 Oct 2014 07:59:46 -0400
> Alan Feuerbacher <alan...@comcast.net> wrote:
> > "Fatal Python error: Invalid thread state for this thread . . ." 
> Google found this:
> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libreoffice/2013-April/050229.html
> It seems the debug option --enable-dbgutil can cause it by detecting
> a failed assertion. The next step would be to start disabling extensions
> (removing --enable-ext- stuff) to find which one triggers it.
> When changing the status of --enable-dbgutil, be sure and do a make
> clean before recompiling or else there will be problems:
> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libreoffice/2011-October/019329.html

 An interesting link, there is a similar thread (initially for build
failures on windoze, I think, but it apparently affected OSX "make
check" related to their use of clang) at

 Alan, are you using clang ?

 The problem, of course (which Michael might not be aware of) is
that building LO takes for ever.

> Lastly, based on my past experience with problems with Abiword, very often
> a crash a few seconds after the startup of a word processor (which often
> really means, jsut after something is typed in) can be caused by problems
> with the spell checker and/or the main text font. Try to change the font
> and disable the spell checker before typing anything in and see if that
> stops the crash.
>   Cheers,
>   Mike Shell

 Perhaps using strace to run LO might eventually give some pointers.
I suspect it will take some time to find the correct parms for strace
(there are several programs invoked : lowriter or whatever is just a
script to invoke 'soffice' which is itself a script.  /me looks
at the soffice script:

 Perhaps invoking lowriter from the commandline as
$ lowriter --writer --strace
might provide strace.log in $PWD

 As with _any_ graphical program, it will probably be an enormous
log, perhaps best read by starting at the end.

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Sometimes she went to bed as early as 6 a.m.
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