On Fri, 14 Aug 2020 12:53:39 -0400
Scott Andrews <scott.andr...@columbus.rr.com> wrote:

I have patched and extended and changed the name of lsbtools:

It make lsbtools a functional utility for keeping systemv init scripts
in the proper order.

I merged the remove_initd and install_initd into a single pythons
script and added s "service and display function. I changed the name to

chkconfig returns:
                S       0       1       2       3       4       5       6
checkfs         S30     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---
cleanfs         S45     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---
console         S70     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---
halt            ---     S99     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---
localnet        S08     S90     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     S90
modules         S05     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---
mountfs         S40     S70     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     S70
mountvirtfs     S00     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---
network         ---     K80     K80     K80     S20     S20     S20     K80
rc              ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---
reboot          ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     S99
sendsignals     ---     S60     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     S60
setclock        ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---
swap            S20     S65     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     S65
sysctl          S90     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---
sysklogd        ---     K90     K90     K90     S10     S10     S10     K90
template        ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---
udev            S10     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---
udev_retry      S50     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---

chkconfig --add <script>  adds a script

chkconfig --del <script>  removes a script

chkconfig --stat <script> returns the status , running stopped etc

chkconfig --all returns status of all scripts 

chkconfig --service [start|stop] script starts or kills a script
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