Notebook Upgrades: Memory

Memory is the single most cost-effective upgrade you can make to any computer. 
Buy as much as you can afford, and add more later if your system can handle it. 
Adding RAM will speed up your computer, from boot-up to shutdown. Applications 
that dragged before will seem lightning-quick, and although adding memory has 
no direct effect on your hard drive, even some files that took forever to load 
will pop up on-screen much more quickly because there was actually concurrent 
processing going on of which you were unaware. Adding or replacing memory 
normally involves removing a bottom panel from your notebook, locating the 
"sticks" of RAM, popping them out of their slots, and then inserting the new 
RAM. Fairly straightforward, but if you'd rather not mess with it, techs can 
easily handle the job. Keep in mind that you need to buy memory that's 
compatible with your make and model of machine. Most memory vendors maintain 
some sort of online tool that allows you to determine what type and how much 
memory your system will take. If you buy your RAM from a big-box store, the 
store's computer department may give you a break on installation. Keep in mind 
that there are limits to how much RAM a system can recognize; there's nothing 
to be gained-and occasionally something to be lost-by installing more RAM than 
your system knows how to handle.
David Ferrin
Life is what happens after you have already made other plans.
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