I have a question regarding RSS Feeds. Actually I guess I have a few questions 
in this area. One, do I need to have an RSS Reader such as yeah reader which 
was available off the Jaws-Users Program page? Two, If I do have to have a 
reader such as this one mentioned do I have the option to enter my own feeds in 
this reader or am I stuck with what they give me? Three, I notice in I.E. 8 
there is a couple of options within the tools menu dealing with feeds one being 
feed discovery and the other is subscribe to this feed. What is the difference 
in what I.E. provides with the options I mentioned and the reader mentioned 
previously? I don't know if it is needed or not, but I am using Jaws 12 latest 
version, XP Professional, and as already mentioned Internet Explorer 8. I am 
completely new to the whole world of RSS Feeds, but if I can figure it out I am 
sure it will speed up my browsing of more interesting stories on the net. Any 
help or advice offered on this matter will be greatly appreciated.   
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